
This component is a wrapper around react-infinite-scroller. It uses the List component to render content and supports calling a loadMore method to load more content when it is requested.

This is mostly an internal component, so it might seem confusing. Take a look at the InfiniteQuery component for a simpler example.


  • data - required - An array of objects to render in the list.

  • renderItem - required - A function called to render a list item.

  • loadMore - required - A function called whenever more items are requested.

  • loading - A boolean indicating the current loading state of the Query.

  • hasMore - A boolean indicating whether or not there are more results to load.

  • useWindow - A boolean indicating if we should use the window for the scroll

    bounds, or the container.

  • listProps - An object of properties to pass to the inner <List> component.

  • scrollProps - An object of properties to pass to the inner <InfiniteScroll> component. See react-infinite-scroller for details.

  • compact - A boolean indicating if the list should be displayed compact.

  • showNoMore - A boolean indicating if we should show a no more message.

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