Using the CRUD Components

The CRUD components are designed to make it very easy to spin up a flexible, stable, CRUD interface for nodes. After following the guide and viewing the associated documentation, you will be able to list, create, read, update, and delete a node with a GraphQL backend.

The code in this set of components is highly opinionated.

Start by creating the individual create, read, update, and delete pages. You can view the associated documentation for those components to see an example.

We tend to create a separate file for each of these components, and place them in the same directory so all of the components associated with a specific node type are all in the same place.

Once you're finished creating those, move on to create the List page.

Finally, you'll want to wrap things up with a ModelCRUD component. This component will automatically create the associated routes (with optional breadcrumbs) for you.

Once that's complete, whenever you want a complete CRUD interface, all you have to do is just include the root component that uses the ModelCRUD component, and everything should be there!

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