
The EditPage component is responsible for handling the submission, loading, and error handling logic associated with editing a node.


  • editQuery - required - The query called whenever creating the resource. It is passed an $input variable.

  • additionalRefetchQueries - An array of additional queries to refetch.

  • idPath - required - The path in the createQuery to the resulting created node id

  • idOverride - If you want to manually specify the ID instead of having it pulled from the URL, do that here.

  • onEditCompleted - Called whenever the edit is completed. onEditCompleted(mutationData) -> Boolean

    • If this returns false, the user will not be redirected to the View page for the node.

  • beforeSubmit - Callback allowing you to modify the payload before it is sent to the query. beforeSubmit(payload) -> Object

  • isModal - Whether or not to render inside a modal instead of as its own page.

    • onModalClosed - Callback whenever the modal needs to be closed (if rendering as a modal)

    • visible - If isModal is true, whether or not the modal is visible.

      • See below for an example of what payload looks like.

Payload Object

  "variables": {
    "input": {
      "id": "node-id",
      "patch": {
        "fieldA": "value",
        "fieldB": "value"

getFieldDecorator modifications

You'll notice in the example at the bottom of this screen that we are not providing the initialValue field to getFieldDecorator. This is because if the field is simple, the EditPage component will provide it automatically.

If the field is more complicated (for example, you might be pulling a name from a nested entity, like editing a category name on a version), you can always override initialValue yourself, just as you normally would, using the node variable provided inside the render function.


import React from 'react'
import { Button, Row, Col, Typography, Input } from 'antd'
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
import { EditPage, FormItem, TailFormItem } from 'react-antd-addons'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

export const EditQuery = gql`
  mutation updateVersion ($input: UpdateVersionInput!) {
    updateVersion (input: $input) {
      version {

export default class Edit extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    id: PropTypes.string

  render () {
    return (
        {({ formLoading, submitLoading, getFieldDecorator, isModal }) => (
            {isModal ? null : <Typography.Title>Edit Version</Typography.Title>}
              <Col xs={24} md={isModal ? 24 : 16} lg={isModal ? 24 : 8}>
                <FormItem label={'Name'}>
                  {getFieldDecorator('name', {
                    rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Name is required.' }]
                  })(<Input disabled={formLoading} placeholder={'Version Name'} />)}
                <FormItem label={'Description'}>
                  {getFieldDecorator('description', {
                    rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Description is required.' }]
                  })(<Input disabled={formLoading} placeholder={'Description!'} />)}
                {isModal ? null : <TailFormItem>
                  <Button type={'primary'} htmlType={'submit'} icon={'plus'} loading={submitLoading}>
                    Update Version

Last updated